Sunday, May 11, 2008

South of San Francisco

SQ's in-flight entertainment is absolutely fantastic. Too bad the same can't be said of its food. It was quite bad. Or maybe it was coz I was sick. Tummy was super bloated and filled with air. Think maybe it's the pressure difference. Long haul flights always take alot out of me. Threw up upon landing. And on my first day here, I threw up a few more times. Felt so sick and exhausted. Slept for like a total of 2 hours on the entire journey coz the turbulence was bad! =(

On the bright side, I visited Ghirardelli Square and bought lovely, lovely cupcakes from Kara's Cupcakes! Super pretty. Of course by the time we reached back, the cupcakes were a little smashed (Louis has a tendency of violently swinging every bag I make him carry).

A very tired me above endeavouring to smile for the camera. Don't ever buy black luggages. I almost died trying to find my black luggage amongst the other two thousand other black luggages.

Louis hasn't changed a single bit! harharhar...he needs a haircut.

Look at the beautiful house Louis stays in. The Americans build beautiful homes. His room is twice the size of mine. Car goes neatly into the garage. Beautiful flowers every where. Beautiful is the only adjective I can think of coz the cold has numbed my brains considerably. Roses demand a price. A cold, cold one.

I felt really sick at this point of time. But the chocolate shake was too good to resist. This was taken at Ghirardelli. Too bad the main building was under renovation and was closed.

Kara's cupcakes!!! After leaving them overnight, they still tasted wonderful for breakfast! Ate one before I thought of taking a photo. harharhar....

Contributing to the mess in Louis' room. hee...actually he's quite neat. I'm the messy one. Ok...gotta go Gilroy outlet now...a shopping spree beckons and I cannot ignore its call! =]


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