Sunday, August 19, 2007

I wonder what will happen next

Sometimes, I really wish I had this special power to see into the future and avoid all the roadblocks, barriers, traffic jams and fatal accidents in life. It would be rather cool I think. Had a really wonderful trip to U.S. a few weeks back. It's a nice place although they could do with some Singaporean dishes (like laksa that does not cost USD15.00 and still not taste like real laksa).
*chocolate haven*

But it's a place where I will surely grow fat in. It has tons of chocolate and sweets! Heh...Louis may be going back to U.S. again. This time to work for 1.5 years at Genentech. Without me. =(

Nothing is confirmed yet though. The job has been offered, but he has yet to officially accept it. Still waiting for another job offer which will allow him to stay here. With me. =)

*crossing my fingers.